Welcome to BRAIA LUXE, the epitome of sophistication in the realm of social media management. Founded by sisters, Cara and Giovana Braia, our agency is a seamless fusion of creativity and elegance. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a passion for storytelling, we craft compelling narratives and content aimed to elevate your social branding and online presence. Our meticulous approach encompasses every detail, ensuring that your social account reflects the opulence and distinction that define your brand. Experience the ease of monthly management, in-person content creation, meticulous editing, seamless posting, and expert account management. Download our pricing guide and book your free consultation call and let's bring your vision to life.
The girls have absolutely transformed my aesthetics business. I genuinely did not realise the power of social media until we rebranded and doubled my clientele within the month.
Highly recommend Braia Luxe, they make it so easy to get gorgeous quality content.
I absolutely love them! I knew they would be good but they're even better than I expected!



To view our pricing list please contact us. Book your free consultation call by using the 'book a call' tab above. Alternatively email us with your name & business enquiry and we will reply to you as soon as we can